New life chapter begins...

Gosh, I have so much to tell you. Where do I even start?

So - on 5th September 2020, I went to work at my day job for the last time. The very next morning, I drove onto a ferry and ran away to my husband to start a new life on board our boat. In Amsterdam. As you do…

My husband was extremely patient with me as I unloaded the car - it’s no exaggeration to say that 70% of the contents were art materials. If you follow me on Instagram you may remember me posting about having to give loads of things away and leave lots behind in storage because of the available space on board. Who needs clothes, right? …

Anyway - 2 1/2 weeks later and I am safely ensconced on board, with a little home found for all of my bits - the only exception being the sewing machine which is currently nestled up against the guest loo. I am not sure whether that is going to work terribly well as a long term home for it but we shall see. Although Cesarina is quite a large yacht, she has surprisingly little storage space on board by the time you’ve stowed sails and tools and charts and electronic equipment necessary for sailing, and motors and generators and all the other bits and bobs that a classic sailing yacht requires. I have 1 drawer, 1 small cupboard, makeshift hanging space for 2 dresses and that’s about it.

Thankfully - my friend Roos (pronounced Rose) has come to my rescue and let me use a beautiful airy room at the top of her house which is about 30 minutes by car away from the boat which is currently in Amsterdam. I get to paint with a view across some beautiful water meadows, towards the Vecht river. It’s just the most fantastic light.

I have my work cut out between now and Christmas. I have a 6 painting commission to complete, but - in true Emma style - I wanted to stretch myself, so I have also:

  • launched a hashtag with some painting buddies and an October challenge - #30DaysofWonderfulArt - if you create any kind of art work at all, we would love you to come and join in. I’ve posted the rules here:

  • committed to painting 48 Christmas baubles for sale!

  • I have a secret project too… I’ll tell you more later.

I seriously have a LOT to do.

But then - Rome was not built in a day, and you don’t get to where you want to be without some good old-fashioned graft, so I’m ready for anything!

By the way - the Limited Edition prints of Shoal 1: Into the Deep have all but sold out. There is only ONE left! I’ve had some fabulous feedback from people whose prints have arrived. The one sent to Russia has not yet arrived, but those sent to the USA have, which is awesome! I’m going to organise the shipping differently the next time I do a print run - I have a better idea of how this could work better as there has been quite a lot of delay and although everyone has been amazingly patient, this is not how it was meant to work. So - I am sorry if you had to sit on your hands for a little bit. It has been a massive learning curve for me but I know how to do it better next time.

I also have one more piece of news, but I’m going to share it later in the week as I still have to run the details of the launch past a couple of people. Watch this space!

Stay safe everyone. And thank you.



Our beautiful, high-maintenance mistress - ‘Cesarina’

Our beautiful, high-maintenance mistress - ‘Cesarina’